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Friday, June 12, 2009

Windows XP Top Secrets

15 Top Windows XP Secrets

1. Useful key shortcuts available:

- Windows key + D - shows the desktop
- Windows key + M - minimizes all open windows
- Windows key + Shift + M - maximizes whole enchilada open windows
- Windows key + E - Runs Windows Explorer
- Windows key + R - shows the RUN dialog
- Windows key + F - shows Search window
- Windows key + Break - shows System Properties box
- Windows key + TAB - Go fini taskbar applications

- Windows key + PAUSE Display the System Properties dialog box
- Windows key + U Unlatched Lift Executive
- ALT + TAB - Cycle through opened applications
- Hold down CTRL while dragging an item to Copy it
- CTRL + ESC Exhibition the Inauguration menu
- ALT + ENTER View the properties for the selected item
- F4 key Display the Address bar list leadership My Computer or
- NUM LOCK + Asterisk ( * ) Expo all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder

2. Pair Windows to protect computer
You can melt Windows to protect the computer when leaving the station succulent by creating a scheme with the corridor rundll32. exeuser32. dll, LockWorkStation. The Windows key + L is also a shortcut to this feature.

3. Edit sysoc. inf to list all software
To show thoroughgoing software that can be removed from your computer ( including protected Windows services ), you can manually edit ( using notepad for model ) the sysoc. inf file located in Windows \ inf \. Just remove the word hide next to the software bring.
* Note * - use this at your own risk. Removing critical components of the system will make Windows instable.

4. Windows XP comes with IPv4 and IPv6
Windows XP comes both IPv4 and IPv6 support. To enable IPv6, you can originate the protocols needed with the command " ipv6 install " in the command - prompt. Then type ipv6 /? to see the options. The installation will not remove the IPv4 protocols so your stock configuration will still work.

5. Access Task Manager with shortcut
To access the Task Manager easier, you answerability make a shortcut that points to % windir % \ system32 \ taskmgr. exe.

6. Stop treating ZIP files like Folders
If you don't want your Windows XP to treat ZIP files like folders, you can disable this component by lofty regsvr32 / u zipfldr. dll at the command prompt or Run dialog. If you start missing it, you encumbrance enable solid by typing regsvr32 zipfldr. dll.

7. Run program as diffrent user
You obligation run a program as a different user. Moral click an application and select Run As command.

8. Switch users leaving applications opened
You can switch users leaving the applications opened too ( * NOTE * advantage this only when needed since live could lead to system instability ).
Snap to Task Manager - processes and end the process explorer. exe. This will end only your session and not all applications. Then go to Applications tab, click New task and type runas / user: domainname \ username explorer. exe. A password prompt will appear to login to the desired username. The user's session will start, with all your previously applications running.
I recommend to unlatched first a command - line prompt and type runas /? to see uncut the options available.

9. Rename multiple files in Windows at once
Rename multiple files in Windows at once. Select them all, right click and select Rename. Enter the desired name. They will mean renamed using what you specified, with a number in brackets to distinguish them.

10. Task kill feature in Windows
Windows has a task kill feature similar to Linux. Go to a command prompt and drop the power tasklist to see running processes hole up PID numbers. Then type tskill to end the specific task. This forces an instant closing of the chore.

11. Edit features with GPEDIT. MSC
You can edit many features by running gpedit. msc. You can add ledger on / observation off scripts here and many features.

12. Edit accounts weight the command prompt
You can edit accounts by gangling " control userpasswords2 " at the command prompt.

13. Use systeminfo. exe to see System Information
You can habit the systeminfo. exe command in the command prompt to see System Information, including all Windows updates besides hotfixes.

14. Disable system services for maximum performance
There are system services that you can disable to free unfolding the system's load. To access the interface that permits you to make changes to system's services, standing services. msc and the command prompt.
This is a list of services that are * usually * useless and can be safely disabled.
Application Layer Gateway Service,
Application Management
Automatic Updates
Background Intelligent Transfer
Distributed Fasten Tracking Client
Distributed Transaction Coordinater
Error Reporting Service
Fast User Switching Compatibility
IMAPI CD - Relucent
Indexing Benefit
IPSEC Services
Net Logon
Net Meeting
Remote Desktop Sharing
Network DDE
Network DDE DSDM
Portable Media Serial Numeral
Remote Desktop Help Session Executive
Remote Registry
Secondary Logon
SSDP Discovery Service
Uninterruptible Power Vouchsafe
Universal Plug and Play Device Host
Upload Manager
Wireless Zero Framework
WMI Performance Adaptor

* NOTE *: Make sure you don't need them since some applications you're using could depend on them. If you make any application to fail by disabling any of the services, go back and enable unaffected again.

15. Keep up Windows XP by using the XP installation CD
If your system failes to start due to an error related to missing HAL. DLL, invalid Boot. ini or any other critical system boot files you can repair this by using the XP installation Video. Simply boot from your XP Setup CD and allow for the Recovery Console. Then run " attrib - H - R - S " on the C: \ Boot. ini file and delete it. Run " Bootcfg / Rebuild " and then Fixboot.

Administrator user name at XP start up screen

To get Admin account on the "Welcome Screen" as well as the other usernames, make sure that there are no accounts logged in.

Press "ctrl-alt-del" twice and you should be able to login as administrator!

finally worked for me after i found out that all accounts have to be logged out first

How To Rename The Recycle Bin

Rename The Recycle Bin

1. Click Start / Run
2. Type regedit and press enter.
3. Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder
4. Open the CLSID folder
5. Open the {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} folder
6. Open the ShellFolder folder
7. Change the "Attributes" data value from "40 01 00 20" to "50 01 00 20". Once completed change the "CallForAttributes" dword value to "0x00000000" (double-click and change value data to 0). You must change both of these values to get the rename to appear.

How To Rename The Recycle Bin

How To Make Windows XP Boot Faster

Make Windows XP Boot Faster

STEP 1: Select Start > Run then type 'regedit'

STEP 2: Locate the following registry...


STEP 3: Make sure you make a backup of the key before editing.

STEP 4: On the EnablePrefetcher value, change the setting from 3 to 5 (decimal).

STEP 5: Close the registry editor.

STEP 6: Restart your computer.
you can see Changes

How To Format & Install Windows Xp learn xp installation

This post demonstrates how to install Windows XP Professional.The procedure to install Windows XP Home edition is very similar to the professional edition.some people don't know how to Formate and install Windows in system.

The best way install Windows XP is to do a clean install. It is not difficult to perform a clean installation. Before you perform the installation I recommend that you backup your important C:/ files in another drive or just Copy n Paste files from C:/ to another. My Document folder also stores in the part for C:/ so you can also save all files of My Document in another part like D:/,E:/..etc..

Lets get started

Restart your PC and do the following...

Go into the BIOS settings of your PC, usually by pressing the F1, F2, F10, or maybe the delete key, If you are not sure watch the screen at startup and it will say "To enter setup press..." You have to be quick and press it. If you miss it restart again.. you can see blue screen like this..

Once you are in the bios you have to change the boot options
In my system Boot change option is in "Advanced BIOS Features"..
Change the First Boot Device to "CD-ROM" You have to make your CD ROM the first boot option.Press F-10 for save settings..

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Then Save to CMOS Exit Enter "Y" key for YES,press Enter Key

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

It will restart your system..

Put your Windows XP CD in the drive...When it says press any key to boot from cd, Press any key on the keyboard...If it doesn't ask you this then restart your computer again.

A blue Welcome to Setup screen will appear and you are on your way.Press Enter To set up Windows Xp now.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Once the set up has loaded all the windows files, It will say "press F8 to agree to the terms and conditions" press F8...

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

To repair the selected Windows XP installation Press R.
To install Fresh copy of windows XP without repairing Press ESC.
press ECS.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Now you are at the set up, Click your C drive and format your old windows, Press D, it will ask if you are sure by clicking L...

Select the existing partitions to install Windows XP.i recommend select C: partition
Press Enter.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

To continue Setup in partition C,Press C.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

now here you can formate C:/ in Quick mode or in normal mode.i recommend formate the partiton in normal can see the file formate is in NTFS or FAT 32.
In my system the file formate is NTFS...

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

To formate C:/ ,Press F.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Let it format, After the format has completed, It will copy windows files,

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

When that has completed it will say "computer will reboot in 15 seconds"...

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Now your computer has rebooted it will carry on with the set up.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

After sometime you can see the Regional and Language Option.Click Next.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Then Personalize your Software by type your name and the name of your company or organization.leave black organization it is optional.Cick Next

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Type the Volume License Product Keys..Click Next

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Enter the name of your can also set the Administrator password or leave blank if you dont want to set password.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Set the Date and time and your time zone,click Next.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Set the Network Settings.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Set the Workgroup Computer Domain..

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Done ....

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Add users that will sign on to this computer.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Welcome Screen..

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

Log in, to your PC for the first time. You now need to check the device manager to confirm that all the drivers has been loaded or if there are any conflicts. From the start menu select Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. Click on the System icon and then from the System Properties window select the Hardware tab, then click on Device Manager.

How To Format & Install Windows Xp Easily

If there are any yellow exclamation mark "!" next to any of the listed device, it means that no drivers or incorrect drivers has been loaded for that device. Your hardware should come with manufacturer supplied drivers. You need to install these drivers using automatic setup program provided by the manufacturer or you need to manually install these drivers. If you do not have the drivers, check the manufacturers website to download them.
Install all drives of system like sound, Graphic Card, Modem, Buletooth...etc..
Windows is completely setup when there are no more exclamation marks in the device manager..

Get Recover Folder Option from tools menu

If you open My Computer or Windows Explorer there is a menu item called Folder Options under the Tools menu. You may find that you do not have this option or did have it and it disappeared. There is a method you can try to get it back

Go to Start, Run then type in regedit and click Ok.
Browse to the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft \Windows \CurrentVersion \ Policies\ Explorer

Find the NoFolderOptions key and change the vaule to 0 assuming you have this registry key.

How to remove Orkut Virus from computer

Let this be the first technical post here ..Since a lot our hostelites are suffering frm the virus ..

This is because of a virus named USBWORM ( orkut ,youtube blocking virus ) do the following step to get the result.

Automatically remove :

Complete fixation could be downloaded from here ...

It could remove the problem of losing hidden files too...

Usage Instructions:

1) Download the fix and run on infected machine.
2) It will ask for a re login.
3) After logging again run the fix again. The worm will be removed succesully.

Manually do it :

1. Go to your Start menu, click on Run and open up your Registry Editor by typing "regedit"
2. Once there go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folde r\Hidden\SHOWALL
3. Delete the value CheckedValue. (Its type should be REG_SZ and data should be 2.)
4. Create a new DWORD value called CheckedValue (same as above, except that the type is REG_DWORD) by right clicking on the right pane->New->DWORD Value. Modify the value data to 1 (0x00000001).

After the whole thing there is a chance for the virus to getin again ..unless u re-install the Mozilla ...If u didn't do this the virus may be activated once again if u take mozilla after the whole thing ..his be the first technical post here ..Since a lot our hostelites are suffering frm the virus ..This is because of a virus named USBWORM ( orkut ,youtube blocking virus ) do the following step to get the result.Automatically remove :Complete fixation could be downloaded from here ...It could remove the problem of losing hidden files too...
Usage Instructions:1) Download the fix and run on infected machine.2) It will ask for a re login.3) After logging again run the fix again. The worm will be removed succesully.Manually do it :1. Go to your Start menu, click on Run and open up your Registry Editor by typing "regedit"2. Once there go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folde r\Hidden\SHOWALL3. Delete the value CheckedValue. (Its type should be REG_SZ and data should be 2.)4. Create a new DWORD value called CheckedValue (same as above, except that the type is REG_DWORD) by right clicking on the right pane->New->DWORD Value. Modify the value data to 1 (0x00000001).After the whole thing there is a chance for the virus to getin again ..unless u re-install the Mozilla ...If u didn't do this the virus may be activated once again if u take mozilla after the whole thing ..

How to Remove Newfolder.exe Virus from XP

Automatically remove using :
Tool1 , Tool2
Tool1 (Newfolder.exe) removal will remove it frm ur system as well as usb drives
Tool2 (sdfix.exe) will be needed when u r late reaching here ..that is to fix registry and to prevent this virus ..
Manually remove it (new folder.exe Fix)
Delete File named svichossst.exe
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System]“@”=[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]“Yahoo Messengger”=[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]“Shell”=”Explorer.exe “

Ahsan Virus - How to remove from XP

Log in to safe mode as Administrator:

0.Create and Save files named "Home Video.exe" and "csrss.exe" in all drives with 0 kb(If you can't do it within 5 seconds ,do it from a bootable media)
----You can't ignore this 0th step----

Stop system.exe and userinit using taskmanager before it get closed
Run RRt and disable virus effects : check all tick marks and press 'remove'
Virus is out ; if your cmd.exe is enabled now .Take the command prompt from %system32%\cmd.exe
Open regedit, search and delete all entries with his damn name "Ahsan" ,his site and that GW Bush
Enable "Run":
Take regedit : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
and delete NoRun make the same with value 0
Even now if you are not able to handle the situation do SDFix
Thats it !!
Detailed steps to remove Ahsan's virus :1. start windows in safe mode with command prompt(user:admin, preferably a user other than having attacked)2. use RRT Tool to enable run " if disabled".3. Enable regediting if disabled with following reg key.REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f4. Open regedit, search and delete all entries with name "Ahsan" , site and Bush.5. If your folder option is disabled enable it with following reg key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\ExplorerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\ExplorerCheck if a DWORD value named NoFolderOptions exists in the pane on the right hand side of the screenDelete it6. If you are still unable to view the hidden files, which is disabled by virus, enable it with following proc and key.HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced. Find the value "Hidden" . Rightclick it and modify it to 1. If Key value hidden is not present create it7. Check the following registery values and set the values given below in each registery key.[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN]"CheckedValue"=dword:02"ValueName"="Hidden""DefaultValue"=dword: 02[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL]"CheckedValue"=dword: 01"ValueName"="Hidden""DefaultValue"=dword:028. Now enable "show all hidden files / Hidden system files and folders", and search for following files and delete them all.system.execsrss.exeHome video.avi.exeautorunNote: these files will be in parent drives (D:, C:) and in windows folder.9.Now you are done !